
We had a debt where a wealthy difficult owner refused to pay us anything. He raised all sorts of technical reasons through his lawyers for not paying even though he was happy with the work. The RecoverIT team managed to get rid of the noise and we were paid in full with our legal costs being met by that owner. 
Andre Berkett, Wicked Mud Limited , Christchurch

We have used this service to recover bad debts and it is an absolute godsend to contractors. The team knows every trick of the trade around the Construction Contracts legislation.
Wayne Scott, NZ Ceilings Limited, Wellington

Over the past few years, we’ve used RecoverIT which has been a huge improvement on the debt collection agencies we have used in the past. Usually it’s taken just an email to Finn to get these problem clients to pay within a week or so. Finn’s magic to deal with. On the ball and knows exactly how to get us quick results.
​​​​​​Chris Peters, EPT Limited t/a Ezipaint, Hamilton


Even Small Debts Can Be Recovered